Pancha Boothas


Bhagavath  - Chapter 7 Sloka 4

भूमिरापोऽनलो वायुखं मनो बुद्धिरेव  |

अहङ्कार इतीयं मे भिन्ना प्रकृतिरष्टधा || 4||

bhūmir-āpo ’nalo vāyuḥ khaṁ mano buddhir eva cha

ahankāra itīyaṁ me bhinnā prakṛitir aṣhṭadhā

Earth, water, fire, air, space, mind, intellect, and ego—these are eight components of my material energy.

Here Krishna talks about 8 dimensional earth which is perceived as 3 dimensional. All other attributes are hidden or to be perceived. Earth is in the middle of upper and lower worlds. Based on our actions, we can go up or down. For all human beings there is pull upwards. When we realize and move towards that upward pull, you will understand the nature. The temporary sensual pleasures are easy to achieve and also can be done effortlessly. Where as Ananda or bliss and eternal pleasures are mostly impossible to achieve to many.

Lord Shree Krishna in this verse has included the mind, intellect and the ego along with the five gross elements as different manifestations of His material energy. He states that all these eight elements are simply parts of Maya, His material energy.

Panchabhoothas are Earth, water, fire, air, space

Earth: when you look at the core of earth, it a made up tetrahedron. geometrical shape. Inside nuclear fusion fuels the earth’s rotation. When the rotation stops, the earth is dead and the earth's soul departs.

Water: a drop of water reflects its soul. When you chant om at a droplet of water, the vibration forms a lotus. When a put a rock in still waters the effect is same. The droplet of water forms egg shape due to gravity on earth.

Agni: when you light a lamp, the flame forms the egg shape in a most beautiful way due to gravity. This is the soul of the fire. Wherever it burns what you see is its soul. The physical agni is different from Eternal Divine Agni which is lit inside you. The agni that is discussed heavily in hinduism is eternal agni to reach Vishnu.

Vayu: the oxygen we breath is the purest of gases. The electrons, protons and neutrons match the 8 dimensional earth. The soul of atom is tetrahedron. Vayu represents the air on earth. The divine Vayu is the eternal yogic controlled breadth which synchronizes with nature and OM Universe.

Akash: it represents the space of the universe. This is where all eternal divine truths and Gods reside. The basic geometrical shape is tetrahedron or Triangle for creation of universe. Without this basic building block, our universe doesn’t exist. The Universe is beautifully segregated by 14 Dimensions or Lokas. 

The other material energies mind(budhi), Intelligence(Gnanam) and False Ego(Ahambhavam) are materialistic forms of energies on earth.

The pachabhoothas are mainly for earth. In space we do have Akash, Agni, Vayu as gases. The boothas work differently in space compared to stars and planets. All our efforts are to understand nature and connect with it. You will love it once you understand how they act and play. Panchaboothas Akash, Agni, Jalam, Vayu and Boomi share their characters with each other to coexist.

Bhoomi represents the Earthly smell or Nose. We smell it when it rains. Jalam or water is taste or Tongue. Agni is Roopam or image. If we dont radiate, eyes cant see. Vayu is sparisam or touch. We feel the breeze on our skin. Akash is light and sound. Lightening. Indra is the king of panchabhoothas. He commands them to act on earth. Puranas quote Indra who makes Cyclones and horrible rain. All these boothas communicates with each other very closely to nurture beings. 

During evolution of Earth, Akash and Boomi each was 100%. In order to start the creation, Agni is the key, so it existed when earth was formed. Because of Agni, Vayu or Gases were formed. Because of gases, jalam or liquid was formed. All came into existing by relating to each other. We have 100% of each boothas. Now they share each of their properties with rest 4 by each of 12.5%. 

Akash Space=  50% + 12.5 Agni + 12.5 Water + 12.5 vayu + 12.5 Bhoomi

Agni  = 50% + 12.5 Space + 12.5 Water + 12.5 vayu + 12.5 Bhoomi

Water or Jalam = 50% + 12.5 Space + 12.5 Agni + 12.5 vayu + 12.5 Bhoomi

Vayu = 50% + 12.5 Space + 12.5 Agni + 12.5 Jalam + 12.5 Bhoomi

Boomi = 50 + 12.5 Space + 12.5 Agni + 12.5 Jalam + 12.5 Vayu

All panchabhoothas have the quality of each other at right proportions. They can understand each other and work together. A Rishi has all the qualities of boothas, so we can connect to them. Connection with them will help you in intense sadhana like, doing tapas for a years with no food, water, respiration etc. They help Rishi to realize self.

Connecting with nature is the most important act of a yogic practice. The ultimate goals is to control the pancha bhoothas to go beyond senses to realize higher dimensions.

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