Wisdom Quotes - 1

Truth is a truth. Lie is a lie. Truth can be a lie, so a lie becomes the truth. When  truth is a lie, truth and lies are  interchanged. Interpretation of a lie as truths is a lie. Lie masquerades as a truth. Truth is banished by lie. Life of lies as truths. We try to find truth among lies. Lie is a belief and truth is elusive. Meaning of truth is lost to lies. Lie is a nature and truth is Maya. Maya is lies of illusion, awareness of truth is the truth. So finally truth is the TRUTH.

Meditation is in built mechanism to reach higher divine worlds. To experience them we should make ourself eligible for it on earth. That comes with only personal quest, effort and Help of Vishnu or Krishna. The more you calm yourself, the higher worlds open up for you.

Many Yogis and Rishis say that divine work is free? Because Vishnu wants express through you and reach out to all, which is priceless!!! By commercializing it, the intent and propagation lost its ability to propel you into Bhakthi yogi. Of course life will be toughest on earth, still Vishnu is your protector and saranagathi is ultimate tool for letting the divine express through you.

Which religion is great? None. All have its own history of violence and manipulation, even today. A religion helps many to focus on God and teaches what Dharmam should be considered in human actions. Just focus on what a religion preaches to reach God, not other irrelevant and outdated rituals and customs.

Spirituality is like bird’s ðŸ¦… eye view of 50k feet above but still can see all the things clearly. This will lead to you realization.

Infinities are created, morphed and destroyed. Creation has tendency to be infinite but starts with finite. Macro and micro words are equally powerful and with their own worlds. Each of these are segregated by different intelligence and conscience. How to understand the never starting and ending realities. Fractal gives glimpses. As you go deeper and deeper, it keeps repeating again and again. When you try to come up it is same. How to break away from this loop?

Fractals and the designs are blue prints for creation. The segregation is the Maya at different levels. We have a special Maya and conscience for earth. The best thing is all forces wants help the seeker but the effect of Maya is overwhelming. All the materialistic forces will oppose your efforts to break it.  Once you comprehend and understand these repeating never ending patterns, you just peaked into higher divine worlds. It is not easy and we may never understand the higher level infinite creations in which we can’t see the beginning and ending.

The whole purpose of our life is to transforms from ignorant soul to self realized who what we are. In this process we have many approaches and infinite opinions, which are perfect attributes of this creation. If each approach shatters Maya and leads us to source, then that is one way to do it.

Scriptures says what we do in this life is all predetermined, Whatever should happen will happen. Most important thing is, it is not possible to spiritually progress without Divine sitting in your chest or souls area to drive you towards. It leads, you fight your way through it. Vishnu being your guide, ignorance will be shattered and self realization will set in.

Oh Vishnu lead us from darkness to light, ignorance to self realization, mortal to immortality, religious to spirituality and incarnations to enlightenment.

What is my measure? It is in the precious conscience of Maha Vishnu how he blesses me with higher dimensional bliss and eternal knowledge for self realization. He being on my side, it is measure of infinite.

The evolved soul on earth will move to higher conscience realms. There are 6 above and each one has its own criteria for entry. The best for our OM Universe is Sathya or Brahmma Lokam. Dwelling in so many higher level dimensions, where never ending realities.

Luckiest on earth if Your are blessed for enlightenment by Maha Vishnu, you will be in Vaikuntam forever enjoying with him or will merge with Vishnu. The identity of the soul is part of the infinity, which ceased to exists forever individually.

Ganesha for strength, determination, knowledge and divine luck to finish and most important or impossible task.

Brahmma is easy to please and also must provide a boon for years of penance or yogic practice, but he can’t provide salvation and immortal boons. To change your fate you can ask him anything, except immortality.

Shiva is easy to please and loves his bhakthas. Gives away boons as asked without thinking of its consequences. For boons he is the best God but anger him, you are ashes. He can provide salvation easily.

Adi Shakthi is the best in all aspects of Gods. She loves her creations as mother and wife. Once she descends into you, no body can do anything to the soul, body and mind. She provides a salvation with full of bliss. Best motherly love you can experience in this cosmos.

Maha Vishnu is the only one most eligible to provide salvation. He descends into you as Krishna and Vishnu. Very very cunning and brilliant. He tests the soul in all possible ways before providing salvation. The steady fast focus on him will lead you to his abode Vaikuntam where It is Sat Chit Anadam for eternity.

Paapam or Sin is any human act that is not pure in the eyes of Vishnu, which prevents a soul attaining the self realization and also prevents others from becoming divine which in turn acts against the divine karma as defined by the God. Even an inaction is a sin. Paapam conscience looses all abilities to see the divine path laid in front it.

Punyam or Good Deed is any action or Karma which is towards Vishnu’s WILL and helping him in his divine actions, in all circumstances and all times fully focused on him and who guides and helps others to realize the path of Krishna is Punyam. Any act that is free from hatred, cruel, selfishness and religious fundamentalism in any form and which shatters the Maya of materialism is Punyam. 

The duality is must for this universe. We are both pure and impure, Divine and devil equally. What we are or not, is determined by Vishnu and I don’t know his criteria.

A human is half divine and half beast and can turn into beast anytime. The true reflections are always masked and wander masquerading. Conscience and mind are at epic war all the time and in this world always mind wins for material pleasures.

The skeptical mind always questions many things logically. Any thing in this world is real and at the same time deceptive. What is real and unreal? It is our level of understanding what it is? God exists or not, one must feel it on their own. Is this God Vishnu, Shiva, Jesus or Allah? Again it is what you feel and believe. 

Compared with cosmos, human as a sentinel being is negligible in size but our ego bigger than cosmos. This is what Krishna says, You don’t recognize how big it is. The moment the ego or Aham’s true meaning is recognized, the infinite nature of soul is revealed. You can feel the burden of endlessness. That thought and experience is heavenly.

The creation built on duality, is of prakrithi and purusha which by mating becomes pregnant and delivers the creation. This is how even humans are born. We are very special with shinning conscience  like Surya. It is always the forces are moving in nature and things are constantly changing. The blurriness between real and unreal is surreal.

Expressing love and positivity always excites the human cells to be more alive and gives a purpose for it to spread all over the body. For that brain gets stimulated and mind becomes healthy. The hatred have opposite effect. Mind attracted to negativity much faster than positivity. We should be aware of positive and negative aspects of life but still a positive message can be repeated any number of times. 

The state mind body and soul determines who you at each moment. We are constantly changing, never the same.

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