Adrista or Adrasta


The Sanskrit term, Adrishta or Adrsta, as an adjective means - not seen, unseen, unobserved, unforeseen, unknown, invisible, unexpected, not experienced, destiny, fate, luck, not permitted or sanctioned, illegal, virtue or vice as the eventual cause of pleasure or pain. In Hindu philosophy it refers to the unseen force, and the invisible results of works which accrue to a person.

When we say Adristam or Luck, it is this unforeseen event that happened which suppose to happen. We are lucky in many ways especially this human form to attain Vishnu. If we don’t realize this, then it is our duradrishtam.

Adrista  with Adharma, to the equally invisible negative karmic accrual, as the unknown quality of things and of the soul, which brings about the cosmic order and arranges for soul according to their merits or demerits. Adrishta is all the elements which are not known and verified with the help of the five senses, and which can be realized through mind, intelligence and soul.

Each successive birth or incarnation and its possibilities are determined by the Adrishta and Samskara acquired in the previous incarnations – Adrishta and Samskara, without which the Atman has never been, because its series of incarnations never began. Adrishta is Potential worth which must have been acquired in a human state to relate to a human state; it gives unity to the multiplicity and infinite variety of beings, and of the things under their control, it binds them into a single system and an organic whole. Prashasta hints that the existence of the Universe itself though not due to Brahma’s Adrishta is not free from Adrishta (Moral merit).[All current actions and planned future actions get planted in Adrishta.

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