God's Existence

Prove God Exists?

The skeptical mind always questions many things logically. Any thing in this world is real and at the same time deceptive. What is real and unreal? It is our level of understanding what it is? If some body says prove your mother existed? It is quite obvious that she did. Same way if they ask show Vishnu exists?

Many of us born with in built quality, which makes it accept that God exist or not. Many many people were tortured and killed in history, they all questioned the existence of God. If he is there why he is not coming to our rescue? There are many explanations that it is divine karma. We don’t have the divine intelligence to accept it. We agreed to experience this ordeal before taking birth etc. Most of us don’t recognize previous and future births but except current one. So one life to live. Based on that logical understanding, we enjoy it as much as we can.

If we look at earth, is she alive? Logically yes. Solar system alive? Logic can be built upon for basic understanding. Many say there is no God but the nature formed itself but the whole thing is not God. We look at photograph of ourself and feels it is US but it is not. It is electronic pixels. A rock is a God but do we see the rock or God’s attributes which are personified for us to focus. 

God exists or not, one must feel it on their own. Is this God Vishnu, Shiva, Jesus or Allah? Again it is what you feel and believe. 

So do God exist? Where!!!! 


Shri Vishnu sows the seeds of a new creation to begin a new yuga by giving birth to Brahma, Mahesh and Lakshmi. Brahma, in turn, gives birth to the Saptarishis to impart knowledge to humankind. Lord Vishnu, whom we all address as Palankarta (sustainer, preserver and protector), is believed to have existed even before the creation of the universe. People often wonder how Lord Vishnu came into being or how he was born. According to Vishnu Puran, the only one to survive even after complete devastation (Pralay) was Vishnu. And therefore, to keep the cycle of creation, destruction and recreation moving, Vishnu, began the resurrection of the universe by giving birth to Brahma from his naval. Soon after giving birth to Brahma for creating life on earth, Vishnu produced Lord Shiva from his forehead, to end the journey of the varied forms of life. Thus, he entrusted Brahma and Mahesh with their respective duties to form a life cycle.

Have you ever wondered that how we know that Vishnu looks like?

Actually, even Vedas don’t provides us images. The answer is that… Vedas provides us hymns and poems that describes the physical appearance of gods.

For example: one of the hymn we know,

Shaanta-Aakaaram Bhujaga-Shayanam Padma-Naabham Sura-Iisham
Vishva-Aadhaaram Gagana-Sadrsham Megha-Varnna Shubha-Anggam|
Lakssmii-Kaantam Kamala-Nayanam Yogibhir-Dhyaana-Gamyam
Vande Vissnnum Bhava-Bhaya-Haram Sarva-Loka-Eka-Naatham ||

  • Shaantakaaram Bhujaga Shayanam: one who sleeps on serpents peacefully
  • Padma-Naabham Suraisham: Who has a Lotus on His Navel and who is the Lord of the Devas.
  • Vishva adhaaram Gagana-Sadrsham: Who Sustains the Universe, Who is Boundless and Infinite like the Sky.
  • Megha-Varnna Shubha-Anggam: Whose Colour is like the Cloud (Bluish) and Who has a Beautiful and Auspicious Body.
  • Lakssmii-Kaantam Kamala-Nayanam Yogibhir-Dhyaana Gamyam: Who is the Husband of Devi Lakshmi, Whose Eyes are like Lotus and Who is Attainable to the Yogis by Meditation.
  • Vande Vishnu Bhava-Bhaya-Haram Sarva Loka eka naatham: Salutations to That Vishnu Who Removes the Fear of Worldly Existence and Who is the Lord of All the Lokas.

From above hymn we can imagine Vishnu as below

Lord Vishnu is real. He is God. He has a beautiful form that is human-like except that He has four arms. Because His form is not material it cannot be seen with material eyes unless He grants the vision, but He can be seen with spiritual eyes.

For material creation, Lord Krsna's plenary expansion assumes three Visnus. The first one, Maha-Vishnu, creates the total material energy, known as the mahat-tattva. The second, Garbhodakasayi Vishnu, enters into all the universes to create diversities in each of them. The third, Ksirodakasayi Visnu, is diffused as the all-pervading Supersoul in all the universes and is known as Paramatma and is the collective Paramatma of all living beings. He is called Hari, and from Him all incarnations within the universe are expanded.

Anyone who knows these three Vishnu can be liberated from material entanglement. Together with Lord Brahma and Lord Siva He oversees the material world and causes it to manifest. He is present in the heart of every living entity and in every atom. He is an undifferentiated entity as there is no distinction between potency and the possessor thereof. In His work of creation of millions of worlds, His potency remains inseparable. All the universes exist in Him and He is present in His fullness in every one of the atoms that are scattered throughout the universe, at one and the same time.

Vishnu’s Attributes

He has four arms and is Purusha: The four arms indicate his all-powerful and all-pervasive nature. His physical existence is represented by the two arms in the front, while the two arms at the back represent his presence in the spiritual world. 

The Shreevatsa mark is on his chest, symbolizing his consort Lakshmi.

He wears the auspicious "Kaustubha" jewel around his neck and a garland of flowers (Vanamala). Lakshmi dwells in this jewel, on Vishnu's chest.

A crown adorns his head: The crown symbolizes his supreme authority. This crown sometimes includes a peacock feather, borrowing from his Krishna-avatar.

He wears two earrings: The earrings represent inherent opposites in creation — knowledge and ignorance; happiness and unhappiness; pleasure and pain.

He rests on Ananta, the immortal and infinite snake.

A conch shell or Shankha, named Panchajanya, is held by the upper left hand. It represents Vishnu's power to create and maintain the universe. Panchajanya represents the five elements or Panchabhoota – water, fire, air, earth and sky or space. It also represents the five airs or Pranas that are within the body and mind. The conch symbolizes that Vishnu is the primeval Divine sound of creation and continuity. It also represented as Om.

The Chakra, a sharp, spinning, discus-like weapon, named "Sudarshana", is held by the upper right hand. It symbolizes the purified spiritualized mind. The name Sudarshana is derived from two words – Su, which means good, superior, and Darshana, which means vision or sight; together. The Chakra represents destruction of ego in the awakening and realization of the soul's original nature and god.

A mace or Gada, named "Kaumodaki", is held by the lower right hand. It symbolizes that Vishnu's divine power is the source of all spiritual, mental and physical strength. It also signifies Vishnu's power to destroy materialistic or demonic tendencies (Anarthas) that prevent people from reaching god. Vishnu's mace is the power of the Divine within us to spiritually purify and uplift us from our materialistic bonds.

A lotus flower or Padma is held by the lower left hand. It represents spiritual liberation, Divine perfection, purity and the unfolding of Spiritual consciousness within the individual. The lotus opening its petals in the light of the Sun is indicative of the expansion and awakening of our long dormant, original spiritual consciousness in the light of god. The lotus symbolizes that god is the power and source from which the universe and the individual soul emerges.

According to the Siddhartha-samhita there are twenty-four forms of Lord Vishnu. The twenty-four forms are - Vasudeva-Sankarshana- Pradyumna- Anirudha- Keshava- Narayana-Madhava-Govinda-Vishnu-Madhusudana-Trivikrama-Vamana-Sridhara - Hrishikesha - Padmanabha - Damodara-Purushottama-Achyuta- Narasimha - Janardana - Hari - Krishna - Adhokshaja. Upulvan, Uthpala Varna - In Sri Lanka, Vishnu is also referred to as Upulvan ( Blue Lotus Coloured)

The Trimurti (three forms) is  "in which the cosmic functions of creation, maintenance, and destruction are personified by the forms of Brahma the creator, Vishnu the maintainer or preserver, and Shiva the destroyer or transformer."

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