How to see the Soul?


The concept of soul is an enigma. Most of the religions says that soul is the one which departs sentinel being up on its death. Eventually it attains subtle energy divine form to live in higher realms. To experience its nature and attributes, it takes many avatars in different realms. How Yogis came to realization that Atma or soul exists and it is indestructible?

Scriptures says The soul exists in the chest area beneath upside down lotus flower. It is masked or trapped to live in the material world weaved by Maya or Illusion. How to experience this soul?

It is not easy to see your soul. Meditation is the key. Keep practicing deeper and deeper meditation, one day it will happen. Suddenly you see thumb size flame. Just the flame nothing else. It appears and disappears. As I practice, it stabilizes for longer periods. It is beautiful. 

In the beginning I thought it was my mind projecting it but realized it is not. 

Svetasvatara Upanisad (5.8, 5.9)

Mantra 8

aṅguṣṭhamātro ravitulyarūpaḥ saṃkalpāhaṃkārasamanvito yaḥ / 
buddher guṇenātmaguṇena caiva ārāgramātro hy avaro 'pi dṛṣṭaḥ // 5.8 //

Of the size of a thumb, but brilliant, like the sun, the jiva possesses both volition and egoism. It is endowed with the qualities of both buddhi and Atman. Therefore it is seen as another entity (as different from Brahman) and as small as the point of a needle. 

Size of a soul.

Mantra 9

vālāgraśatabhāgasya śatadhā kalpitasya ca / 
bhāgo jīvaḥ sa vijñeyaḥ sa cānantyāya kalpate // 5.9 //

Know the embodied soul to be a part of the hundredth part of the point of a hair divided a hundred times; and yet it is infinite. 

Why it is so tiny, invisible in any form for humans and also infinite? How It can have whole information of our Universe? How?

The Soul Is the Real Self, but It Is Covered with Ignorance

Right now, the Soul is in the body. It is full of infinite knowledge and infinite vision, but it is currently covered with ignorance. Ignorance means unawareness of your true identity. So, owing to ignorance, we mistakenly believe the body or the name given to body, as our Self.

Therefore, first of all, you have to attain Self-Realization (Gnan). Once you recognize your Soul, it means that the ignorance over it has been lifted. When you attain Gnan (Self-Realization) ignorance will be lifted. Purush breaks those layers of ignorance and the direct light of the Soul starts. Through that direct light, you can experience your Soul.

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