
Yogi: When one is neither attached to sense objects nor to actions, that person is said to be elevated in the science of Yog, for having renounced all desires for the fruits of actions. As the mind becomes attached to God in Yog, it naturally becomes detached from the world. A person will be considered detached from the world when one no longer craves for sense objects nor is inclined to perform any actions for attaining them. Such a person ceases to look for opportunities to create circumstances to enjoy sensual pleasures, eventually extinguishes all thoughts of enjoying sense objects, and also dissolves the memories of previous enjoyments.

To become a yogi, it is much more than simply calling yourself one. It takes incredible dedication and commitment. It’s about the lifestyle that you lead and how you interact and influence those around you. Here are some qualities you would see in someone leading a yogi lifestyle.

  1. Inwardly Reflection: Yogi’s need to be self-reflective of their actions, behaviors, and emotions. Looking at themselves through an objective point of view helps them better understand themselves and what they value. This plants the seed of what knowledge they need to overcome obstacles in their life.
  2. Hermit Tendencies: A yogi often removes itself from what one would call the ‘norm’. They will often excuse themselves about society and explain that it deters them from what they value; an inner reflection of themselves. This also means you won’t find a yogi snapping a picture of their latest progress. A yogi keeps to themselves and only serves as a teacher or an example to those around them.
  3. Diet: Food influences our vibration and mood. Yogi’s are very mindful of what they intake into their bodies and minimize their meals twice a day. These meals will be vegetarian and plant-based. Yogi’s will also remove caffeine from their diets.
  4. Minimalist: A yogi abides by the idea of living a simple life, with little or no possessions. Hoarding items or physical objects weigh us down physically but also spiritually. Removing these items frees up space in more ways than one.
  5. Serve Others: Offering service to those in their community to help better society is at the core of a yogi’s beliefs. It’s about helping others for the sole purpose of expressing kindness and expressing empathy. A yogi does not expect to reciprocate kindness for their deeds to offer a helping hand.
  6. Always Learning: A yogi’s job is never complete as they’re still learning and absorbing knowledge. They dedicate their life to study.
  7. They have no bonds or attachments to anyone or anything.
  8. They do not seek gratification.

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