Thursday, September 23, 2021

Welcome to Gokula Murali Krishna Ashram


OM Universe

Shape of Our Universe                           Sanathana Dharma Time

Who is a Yogi?                                  Yogic Sadhana

Yogic Qualities                                     Saptha Rishis

Paapam or Sin                                     Internal and External Worship

Dharma or Righteousness.                  Types of Bhakthi

Different ways to reach Vishnu         Prove God Exists

How to see the Soul?                              Veda Vyasa

Sukha Maharishi                                 Ugrashravas or Suta Muni

Meaning of Bhagavan                           Dritharastra Blindness

Adrista or Adrasta.                             Sense Pleasures

Karma in Simple Terms

